Long-run mode
Users need to complete at least 4 training sessions per week. Depending on the total running distance of the whole week, Moverse will calculate the distance for “long-run” on the weekend with the suitable workload under the formula
[Total distance ran in a week]/2
(i.e If a user runs 20km total in a week, the long-run exercise will require at least 10km to pass.)
Note: Long-run will consume all the energy for the weekend (Saturday & Sunday) and energy cannot be refilled until the next week. Solo mode will be deactivated if users register for Long-run.
Complete this exercise, users will be rewarded with the maximum reward that can be earned in 2 days in Solo mode + the bonus (km exceeding the requirement distance)
During the Long-run session, the chance to get Moonbox is doubled.
Long-run sessions will have higher earnings and the earning is decided by the sneakers’ attributes.
Last updated